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A Certified Life Coach


Michelle K. Rose, founder of Energy Embodied, is a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, and a Spiritual Coach based in Montreal, Canada with services around the globe.



My first and most profound moment of awakening and transformative breakthrough happened spontaneously while meditating; I experienced my essence as an energy being. I could feel my absolute vastness in a light so bright it was brighter than the sunniest day I had ever seen. My body was completely weightless and gone was even my sense of having a body. Instead, I was a white ray of light that beamed in all directions. There was nowhere to go, nothing to do. I could simply be in all my absoluteness. I felt like pure bliss, pure peace. This experience changed my reality. Seeing and experiencing this vastness I grasped and felt more the concept that we are pure intelligent energy, pure love and wholeness. When I emerged and opened my eyes I felt lighter, more grounded and whole. I realized that this all-encompassing sense of completeness that I came to experience was in total contrast to how I had been experiencing myself to date.

Until any of us experience this sense of a greater, expanded reality about ourselves we can only come at life’s challenging situations from a limited perspective that we aren’t whole or that we’re inadequate. We believe something is missing from us. Something wrong or broken that we need to fix without knowing a version of ourselves that is perfect, whole and complete. Quite the opposite of broken. This version of ourselves that I refer to is the Soulful Self or Highest Self. 

I want you to experience this vastness, this wholeness and love that you are!

This is what you are here on earth for; to discover your Soulful Self,  your energetic and spiritual nature and to live here in physical form.  We are here to awaken to our divine magnificence within humanity. Live Reiki Classes

I have benefited from learning from accredited teachers all over the world, some of the best. They provided years of experience in different energy modalities; deep meditation techniques, hypnotherapy, spirituality studies, NLP, ancient Indigenous spirituality methods, mindfulness practices, psychology, and energy consciousness transformations, all of which have allowed me to passionately and successfully help others with proven testimonies of my work. ​

I am a graduate Sociologist from the University of Ottawa, with an honours degree at Concordia University, and a Minor in Women's. Studies. I am a fully licensed and qualified NLP Practitioner and Transpersonal Hypnotist by the University of Toronto.

My life partner, Bryan Wolf Ear (an Indigenous member of the Blackfoot Sisikaiwa Tribe), and life events, have inspired me to further my studies in Indigenous Spirituality. I have learned sacred, ancient healing methods from other Indigenous Elders which I incorporate into my teaching, healings, and spiritual events. Free Quiz


I want to teach souls how to experience this profound alignment and sense of wholeness.  

As students learned Reiki Energy Healing with me, and practiced the techniques, they began to share their own experiences of how the energy was beginning to transform them and emotionally heal them on some level. I loved seeing how it was helping people awaken to their own ability to shift and manage their emotions and overall energy within, which led to powerful changes in their own lives. 


​Alignment is everything! Your external world is a complete reflection of your internal world. If you want to end painful patterns that keep you stuck in your life, then you need to transform your entire relationship with yourself. You need to look at those unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs, within your subconscious, that are holding you back from truly stepping into your full potential and power. When your subconscious and unconscious mind are properly aligned you become unstoppable! I want you to experience this full alignment and live out your full magnificence. I want you to go from your limiting fearful self to your highest self. Price list

I want to teach you how to master your mindset and energy so you can truly live a wildly fulfilling and expansive life, completely embodied in your true essence; what I refer to as energy embodied.

Reiki Energy Healing With Me
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